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Compose SDK minor Version 1.16.0 released

Community Team Member
Community Team Member
Compose SDK minor version 1.16.0 released:
[1.16.0] - 2024-08-06
  • Extend cartesian charts to support trends and forecast for internal testing
  • Extend ThemeSettings to support widget theme settings
  • Support widget design styling on fetched dashboards
  • Support dashboard color palette
  • Extend useExecuteQueryByWidgetId hook to support pivot tables
  • Add embed code logic in @sisense/sdk-ui/analytics-composer namespace for internal testing
  • Improve query validation logic for query hooks and components
  • Improve dashboard rendering: conversion of cascading filters between dashboard level and widget level, supporting collapsibility of CascadingFilter levels, fixing filter tile borders, fixing “Include All” highlights causing interference with filters
  • Improve charts: styling of scatter charts including data labels and legends, fixing lazy loading of table’s page count,
  • Fix issues of pivot table: endless rendering due to updated style options, the theme of pagination panel, “No Results” overlay, pivot sorting and redundant pivot queries
  • Improve testing: visual-regression tests infra and stability, adding tests of different Indicator use cases, tests for useTableData
David Raynor (DRay)