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Would like to have the ability to share multiple dashboards at one time instead of 1 at a time. Moving to Sisense from another software and having to share 50+ dashboards is very time consuming.


Hey @fuglysmurf ,

I support this addition. If you need anything in the mean time, I have a python script that i have developed for this particular instance. I can share it with you (or just post it here) if you would like. It is more a one of thing and also aimed for usage by admin users, but it does make it possible to easily share (and set data security for) cubes/dashboards with multiple groups and users.

If you are looking for a more integrated option , you could check out the dashboard sharing-plugin (  from @Ravid_PaldiTeam . We have been using this plugin for a few years now and it works perfectly for yourself and designers 


@HamzaJ  yes I would like it if you would share that script with me. I would also like to connect with another Sisense user to bounce ideas off of.

Is there a way for me to private message you?


We are looking for this feature as well and could you please share the python script please?



This is a functionality that should come out of box with Sisense. We deal with several dashboards and its kind of hard to manually share one by one. 

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hello @fuglysmurf ,

Thank you for sharing your idea in the Sisense Community. We value your input and think this is a great idea! 

In order to prioritize our development efforts, we want to gauge community interest. We kindly request you to encourage other users to vote and comment on your suggestion. The more engagement your request receives, the higher the likelihood it has of being considered for implementation.

We appreciate your efforts!



This has been discussed extensively by the product team, and there are no plans to include this in the roadmap at this time.

However, I am going to leave this post open to gather more votes and comments. Maybe we will see it included in a future release!