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Perspectives is a great addition to the application and making only certain parts of the model visible to those dashboards connected to that perspective is excellent.  Adding the ability to filter the perspective is something that is required for many of the use cases we have.  For example, we have a model that has All Tickets.  We have many dashboards that have a locking filter at the top to show only Open Tickets which doesn't look good from a user and design point of view.  Being able to create a Perspective and not only be able to refine the columns but also filter to (in this example) Open Tickets only would greatly add to the power and usability of this feature.


Thank you @qamardinpal for your feedback, I am happy to hear you find the value in Perspectives as we do. In regards to the specific requirement raised, I would appreciate having further details if this is allowed and acceptable from your end. 

When we considered having this capability we identified that Data Security and Dashboard filter feature offering answers the use cases we have mapped. Data Security can be used to hide certain data from end users on the model level and assigned to the same group as perspectives, and/or background locking of filters can be used on the dashboard level.
Can you please emphasize what is the additional value for having a dedicated filter on the perspective level?

Thanks in advance, 


Hey.  If we take the example of a model that contains Tickets, both Open and Closed.  We have dashboards that only look at Open Tickets.  So applying Security is not applicable because the users have access to both Open and Closed tickets.  Creating Security would stop them seeing Closed tickets on other dashboards they have access to.  Adding a locked Filter onto a dashboard doesn't look great, it can often confuse users who need explaining what a locked filter is.  Further, we would then want the values available in other filters to be limited which they are not.  Adding a filter at the Perspective level takes away all of this in that a perspective of data is not just the reduction of fields but also the tailoring of the dataset.  I am not sure if this also has some runtime/performance advantages, e.g. if the data is limited at the model level then there is less for the dashboard, widgets and jaql (e.g. for Filter values) to have to process, this may be marginal, but may be significant in some very large models.

Hi @qamardinpal You should be able to hide a filter on the dashboard so it's not visible to the users, or use the filter on the Widget level. Does that work for your use case?

@qamardinpal thank you for your reply, I can see now better the value of this ask. And the additional input will make a difference in our previous decision for not supporting it, and in priority of this item. 

Hope to update in the near future that we will support this. Till than, to all other readers, please vote on this in case you find the same need.

Thanks and regards. 

Status changed to: New Idea

Hello @qamardinpal,

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details.

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