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It would be better to have more control options over exactly when the email report for a dashboard is triggered out to users. Currently we use the option "Every Elasticube update. No more than 1 emails per day" but that has issues:

1) We would only like the email to send if the Elasticube update is successful, rather than every update (including build failures). Otherwise we send a report out with missing data.

2) The rule of "No more than 1 emails per day" doesn't seem to be working properly. Meaning if we refresh the Elasticube more than once per day, users are receiving duplicate reports.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hello @MarkTodkill,

Thank you for submitting your idea!

I have brought the first part of your idea to the product team and will post updates here as they are available.

For point 2, I recommend contacting support if the limit isn't working. They will look into it and figure out what is happening.

One of the ways we prioritize development efforts is by community interest. I encourage other users to vote and comment on this suggestion. The more engagement a request receives, the higher the likelihood of it being considered for implementation.

Thank you for being a valuable part of our community!