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Status: Needs Info

It would be cool if our end users could receive a Digest Email that is sent out on a frequent basis from Sisense. This email would be most relevant if it was based on the groups a user is assigned to already. This would ensure relevant communication, as well as ensure there is control over the reports included in the digest that the user would already have access to them. We would not want the digest email to included recommended reports the user doesn't already have access to.

If it was a feature the Admin could turn on/off at the group level that would be our preference. The feature would allow the Admin to select how often the digest went out (weekly, monthly, etc). The feature would allow the Admin to select what content was included:

For example:  Changes, Top Used/Popular in the Users Groups (i.e. Org), and then for us I think Newly Published Reports would be ideal.  This would allow an organization to choose whether every time a new dashboard is released the user is notified, for us we would prefer a section in the digest that has these 3 dashboards were released to your group(s). 

Other BI tools do already offer this-- Attached is an example of the Power BI digest, as reference. Thanks!


+1 I think this would be a nice feature

Status changed to: Needs Info

Hi @AlanaCummins.

This sounds similar to Report Manager.

Do you think that could work for your use case? If you think it might, we can have someone work with you to configure it with you.

Hi there! Thank you for providing the link to the Report Manager. I have reviewed the details, and it is an extremely cool feature. However, I do not believe this is exactly what we are hoping for within our use case, as we were looking more for an overview per user group. I am going to share this information with our team and will let you know if we would like to pursue it any further. Thanks!

Hi @AlanaCummins.

Thank you for following up! There may be a way to make report manager work with email templates to get those digests sent out. User access rules are automatically applied with Report Manager, so that's taken care of for you, and you can send emails by group.

If you like, I'm happy to get a technical resource on a call with your team to review your use case.

Hi @AlanaCummins.

I'm following up to see if there is anything more I can do to help. What did your team think of Report Manager? Do they have any questions, or would they like to talk with a Sisense technical resource?

Hello. Unfortunately, several of our team members are out of the office this week. I will not be able to connect with them until sometime next week. I will absolutely follow back up with you once I have more information. Thanks.
