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We create a basic set of pre-built dashboards that we publish, where business users can view but not modify.  We also have two-tiers of analytics offering for business users (standard and premium).  On our common, pre-built dashboards, which are available to both standard and premium, we would like the ability to expose Simply Ask to only those users of premium (hiding it from those who are standard).   While this may be achievable via a 2-model, 2-dashbaord set approach, we desire to manage a single set of dashbaords and model to simplify deployment overhead and maintenance.


Hi @dirons,

The above sounds like it would save a heap of time, especially if it was incorporated on an interface level.

I can suggest a workaround in the interim here, a dashboard script that will hide the button if the logged in user exists in a list of predefined groups.

You'll need to populate 'groupsWithNlqDisabled' with the group ids that you'd like to disable Simply Ask for.

let groupsWithNlqDisabled = ['650102a9c4cf84c6765c6752', 'groupid2', 'groupid3']

dashboard.on('initialized', (dashboard)=> {
  if (prism.user.groups.some((g)=> groupsWithNlqDisabled.includes(g))) {

Let me know if this works for you in the interim?




RAPID BI - Your Sisense partner in Business Intelligence, Dashboarding and Analytics



Hello @dirons 

Thank you for submitting this Idea. If I'm reading this right, you are asking for the ability to allow access to Simply Ask based on the users group, is that correct?

@rapidbisupport - Thank you for the idea.  This is something we can try!

@DRay - That is correct.  Instead of a dashboard setting, allow it to be more dynamically linked to groups.   Our two levels of customers have access to some of the same common "basic" dashboards that we produce.  I would like to only expose to this to our premium customers.  We can try the dashboard script but if there were a way to do this, without a script manager or having to control with process, it may result in a more streamlined dev and deployment approach.


Hi @dirons , 

Just adding to the workaround here given context - you could create a plugin that applies this to dashboards across the platform without having to update each dashboard individually.

If you wanted to get fancy, you could either specify folders, dashboards, or anything that's exposed to Sisense when the user interacts to set the rule here.

Happy to elaborate on a short call if you'd like / if appropriate?




RAPID BI - Your Sisense partner in Business Intelligence, Dashboarding and Analytics

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hello @dirons.

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details.

We encourage people to continue to vote and comment. We use community interest as one of the ways we prioritize efforts, so every vote and comment can help turn a request into a reality.

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!