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Status: Planned

Currently, when adding a date field as a value in a pivot table, the only option is the # of years/# of days/etc. We need the option to add a minimum and/or maximum date for the selected rows.

The current 'work around' for this is to create an integer date, and then use a script to format the integer to present as a date. However, when exporting the data, the date shows as the integer value in the exported data, which is an unacceptable result.

Adding the date as a row value solves the export issue, but displays all date values for the lowest level of detail in the data source, which is also an unacceptable result.

If it was possible to add the minimum or maximum of a date field as a value in the pivot tables, this would solve all of the issues we currently have.


This has been discussed extensively by the product team, and there are no plans to include this in the roadmap at this time.

However, I am going to leave this post open to gather more votes and comments. Maybe we will see it included in a future release!

This is a really important feature for us.  We have no viable workarounds and may need to resort to calculating the values and storing them every time the cubes build just to be able to display a date in a table. 

The lack of this functionality has continued to block us from building a certain dashboard for our users, which has been frustrating. None of the work-around really works for us since we need to return the max or min of a certain date, and potentially use them in a formula.

Status changed to: Planned