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Creating security rules within the Data Security menu for Elasticubes only allows you to assign users access to values to that are already in your data.

If I am creating a rules for user visibility of e.g. individual 'store references' and a new store with reference '1414' is added, I can't create a rule for store 1414 unless it is already in my data. Could there be an option to manually specify the value, rather than having to select a pre-existing value?

(I am aware this possible to add via the REST API, but this is a bit fiddly for frequent small edits).


We have the same problem.  We want to create security groups, etc for new tenants, but we can't apply the data security until there is at least 1 record that meets the criteria. 

We used to be able to do this, but an "enhancement" or "bug fix" broke our ability to do this.

Hello @joeshepper.

Thank you for your feedback! I would like to get this Idea over to the product team, but first I would like to get more information and head off any roadblocks to implementation.

Would a GUI for the functionality that is available via the API address your use case?

Thank you for working with me to get this Idea fleshed out so it can be evaluated and scoped for effort.

Have a great day!

Hi @DRay ,

Yes - essentially I am looking for something similar in principle to the dashboard filter menu - it I want to filter by a text field, I can pre-select from any of the existing values, but I can also specific specific text that may not (yet) be in the data.

My use case is that I use security rules to restrict access to individuals to certain retail stores based off the store ID. If a new store enters circulation but is not in the data, instead of adding a rule, selecting the user and the value, I have to find the user's user ID via the REST api, create a file of IDs and intended values, then POST the file via the API. The API is great for bulk-edits but I am looking for the ability to make these one-off edits via the GUI where I have to specify the value. It's clearly possible for the rules to exist but they can't be made 'natively'. Thanks.

Hi @joeshepper.

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details. We will bring this to the product team and provide updates here as they are available.

I encourage people to continue to vote and comment. We use community interest as one of the ways we prioritize efforts, so every vote and comment can help turn a request into a reality.

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!