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Many customers are asking about secutiry concerns. One of it is about the feature of set a time when the password expires. For example, if a viewer has set a password expirtation time to 60 days, he needs to change the password into these days. Days before the expiration he will be notified. 


Status changed to: New Idea

Hi @soporteparaptx - to achieve maximum security compliance, we recommend integrating your organization's SSO provider as a best practice.  Do you have any reasons why this can't be accomplished?

Hi Andrew,

Many customers does not have a SSO platform. The idea is that Sisense provide some extra security features, not to invest in other software that has a cost and makes the architecture more complex, if customer does not have the SSO platform in their roadmap or current technology stack. If we says to customer "delegate in other software to perform some functions" we are loosing the single-stack message.


Hi @soporteparaptx 

Thanks for the additional context and we appreciate you being a valued partner of Sisense.  I would like to learn more about how often you're seeing this.  I will reach out to your PSM.

Thanks again!


Hi @AndrewLoomis 

Thanks to you. I can give you at least two customers reference that are asking for that. 

In Parapentex we are available for all you need.


In the interest of password security it would be beneficial to have a way through the API or settings menu to force user(s) to reset their passwords. This is useful when updating password policy as the system as of now does not force users to change their existing passwords to be compliant with the updated policy. This could also be used to enforce password cycling by forcing users to reset their passwords on a desired cadence. 



Status changed to: New Idea

Hello @alex-hepp,

I agree it would be nice to have that option in the UI. If you need something right now, you can use API to reset a users password and prompt them to create a new one.

Hello @alex-hepp,

Did the documentation I linked above help?

Hi @DRay 

your link would be exactly what I need, except I don't have any experience with API. Any chance you could do a step-by-step instructions? I think I can get the X-content-ID by copying from user identifier but obtaining API via GET/authentication/tokens/api requires API token itself.

Hi @alex-hepp,

I'm not able to provide step-by-step instructions, I recommend reaching out to your account team and they will work with you to find a resource that can help you.

If you want to learn how to use the API yourself, you can find how to get your API token in this document.

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hi @soporteparaptx,

Thank you for your idea. While we look into implementing this in the Sisense UI, you can force a PW reset with the Sisense REST API.