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Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member

How to Reset Your License for Sisense Deployment

Sisense is an application that requires a valid license to be used. Occasionally, there is a need to reset the license, for example when we want to change the license used and we do not have access to the old license.

Windows OS

For Sisense installed on Windows OS we can access the application "Sisense Activation" from the server. Please note, be sure you are running this command as an Administrator:


From there, select "Sign Out":


Note, the system will not function until it is activated again using the same Sisense Activation application.

Linux OS

For Sisense installed on Linux OS (single server only, for a cluster, see note below) we will need to make sure the file used for the license is not found by either removing it or (recommended) simply renaming it, using the command below:



mv /opt/sisense/storage/licensing/sisense.oxy /opt/sisense/storage/licensing/sisense.oxy.bkp



Restart to apply the change:



kubectl delete po -n sisense -l app=oxygen && kubectl delete po -n sisense -l app=api-gateway && kubectl delete po -n sisense -l app=identity



Once executed, wait for the pods to restart, browse the application using the default link (don't use the link with /app/account/login), and reactivate the license.




 For multi-node deployment, you will end up accessing shared storage so it is recommended to execute in the management pod by running the command below. 
Exec into management pod:
kubectl -n sisense exec -it $(kubectl -n sisense get pods -l app=management -oname) -- bash
Note, Sisense will be deactivated and will not function until it is activated again.
We only recommend using this approach as a last resort. You also have the option to make changes to the license in Linux using the License Utilization page instead:

In case of any technical issues with licenses feel free to contact Sisense Support. For questions relating to license expiration, email/package owner change, etc. feel free to contact your Account Manager directly instead.

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Version history
Last update:
‎02-13-2024 01:11 PM
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