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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
There is an option to get an activation key using an API GET call to the Sisense licensing server rather than needing to log into the Sisense site to obtain this information.

Use case:

This method helps generating license keys in a batch when you need to offline-activate many Sisense instances. Mostly used by OEM vendors of Sisense.
Please note that currently the offline activation is still performed using the standard installation GUI (manually).


To get an activation key, perform a GET call to:
With the following parameters:
email - the licensed user e-mail (not necessary the account owner)
password - the user’s password
mid - the machine id - as supplied in the activation UI, or by running the exe file.
 This file should be run in command prompt so you can see the output
enc - true
Javascript Example:
1[email protected]&password=mypassword&mid=AAAABBBCCCDDDEEE111223344&enc=true

Authentication token:

You will need to ask your Account Manager to deliver you your own authentication token.
Add a header named: ‘Content-MD5’ with the token as a value, as part of each call.
If the call is successful you should get a 200 OK return code and the activation key in the response body. 
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Version history
Last update:
‎02-23-2024 09:04 AM
Updated by: