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Traditional Vector Plot:
Name Displayed on Vector:
vectorLength (Actual Length) version:
rotationOrigin (Start Point) version:


The purpose of the plugin is to provide a visualization for vector plots. I have created this simple vector plot, which is based on Highcharts - Vector Plot. 


The vector plot mainly serves the use case of displaying a vector field. The chart could be used to represent other data sets; however, the parameter, 'direction', naturally converts the number to degrees, which falls in a 0 - 360 range. In addition, the two parameters (x,y coordinates) do not register negative values. This should be kept in mind if using this visualization for data sets outside of vector plots.  
 First Link (Vector Plot):
Second Link (Ticker Vector Plot):

Third Link (Length Ticker Vector Plot): 
*See Special Conditions Below
Fourth Link (Rotation Ticker Vector Plot): 
*See Special Conditions Below


First Link (Vector Plot): The vector plot widget requires 4 numerical parameters. These parameters, in order, are:
  1. X-coordinate 
  2. Y-coordinate
  3. Length
  4. Direction 
The chart has a simple Design, consisting of Y-Axis and Series labels. When turned 'On', the Y-Axis label solely displays the Y-Coordinate, and the Series label displays the legend on the chart. 
Second Link (Ticker Vector Plot): The ticker vector plot widget requires 5 parameters (1 text, 4 numbers). These parameters, in order, are:
  1. Ticker (or some text)
  2. X-coordinate 
  3. Y-coordinate
  4. Length
  5. Direction 
The chart has a simple Design, consisting of Name and Series labels. When turned 'On', the Name label solely displays the Name (in this case ticker), and the Series label displays the legend on the chart. 
Third Link (Length Ticker Vector Plot): The length ticker vector plot widget is very similar to the Ticker Vector Plot, requiring 5 parameters (1 text, 4 numbers). These parameters, in order, are:
  1. Ticker (or some text)
  2. X-coordinate 
  3. Y-coordinate
  4. Length
  5. Direction 
Special Conditions: The difference is that this plot is designed to show the actual length of the vectors (4th parameter). The vectors in all three versions will always be scaled, for the length of the vector is the relative length of the vector compared to other vectors. However, you can control this scaling.
There is a variable called vectorLength which defines the pixel length of the longest vector in your data. Inevitably, different data sets will have a different longest vector length, and since all the other vector lengths are relative to that longest vector, the scaling will therefore be different. 
The vectorLength in this version is set to 100 (vectorLength: 100). However, the default vectorLength in the previous two versions is set to 20. In conclusion, if you prefer a different scaling, you would need to change the vectorLength.
Fourth Link (Rotation Ticker Vector Plot): The rotation ticker vector plot widget is very similar to the Length Ticker Vector Plot, requiring 5 parameters (1 text, 4 numbers). These parameters, in order, are:
  1. Ticker (or some text)
  2. X-coordinate 
  3. Y-coordinate
  4. Length
  5. Direction 
Special Conditions: The difference is that this plot is designed to have the point on the vector lie on the tail of the vector as opposed to the midpoint of the vector. The variable that controls this is called rotationOrigin which defines the point on the vector. 
However, the property rotationOrigin, which can be declared 'start', 'center', or 'end' of the vector has an inverse relationship with the property vectorLength. The greater the vectorLength, the less accurate rotationOrigin.
This is because roationOrigin has an algorithm that is adapted to the vector's default max length vectorLength: 20. So if vectorLength is increased to 100 (i.e. in lengthtickervectorplotwidget), the calculations will not be as accurate. 
The rotationOrigin in this version is now set to 'start' (rotationOrigin: 'start') and the vectorLength is set to 60. Adjust these parameters on your own accord


Step 1 - Add The Plugin
  1. Download the attachment and unzip the contents into your C:\Program Files\Sisense\PrismWeb\plugins\ folder (Version: If the plugins folder doesn't exist, just create it. After those files have been unzipped there, you may also have to restart the web server. Now, when you create a new widget the Vector Plot Widget should show up in the list of options
Step 2 - Create The Chart
On your dashboard, click the Create Widget button and select Advanced Configuration. Next, select the "Vector Plot Widget" plugin from the drop down list. 
*I will not be providing plugin support on a regular basis
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Version history
Last update:
‎03-02-2023 09:08 AM
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