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Community Team Member
Community Team Member


This post describes how live interactive dashboards can be embedded into Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
A common use for this ability is to leverage the Sisense dashboards for storytelling, allowing the presenter of the dashboard to answer questions on-the-fly be filtering and drilling into the data during the meeting itself.
Big Plus: Whenever the presentation is opened and presented, the data and dashboards will be updated with the most up to date data in the ElastiCube = No need to manually update your presentations anymore!
In order to embed a Sisense dashboard into a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, the following steps are required.
A short video example of this can be seen in the following video:


1. Sisense installation and dashboards
2. Sisense server enabled with SSL - Setting-Up-SSL
3. PowerPoint 2013 / 2016 or Later


  1. Install the "Web Viewer" add-on on the PC running the PowerPoint presentation (this can be found at the MSFT Office Store).
Note: The "Web Viewer" add-on is a 3rd party SW and is not developed or supported by Sisense.
  1. After completing the installation, in any slide in which you wish to embed a dashboard or widget, press on Insert --> My Add-ins --> Web Viewer:
  1. In the URL box, enter the URL of the dashboard or widget you would like to embed.
Note: Make sure to remove the https:// at the beginning of the URL and add the embed=true switch to the end. (more on iframe embedding options can be found at: Embedding Dashboards and Widgets).
For example:
Note: The computer running the PowerPoint slideshow must have network access to the Sisense server (in case a firewall is in place, please create the appropriate rules to allow access to the ElastiCube server).
Due to a limitation in the "Web Viewer" add on, in order to update the dashboards / widgets, close the PowerPoint presentation and open it again.
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Last update:
‎02-16-2024 12:22 PM
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