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Community Team Member
Community Team Member

When drilling down from a chart to another dashboard, we have the option to pass any of the column values as a filter value in the destination dashboard. 

However, sometimes we would like to maintain the filters already selected on the original dashboard. To do that, we'll need to select them explicitly. Below, we use the daterange filter and direct replacement syntax to do just that.

Here's an example query that achieves what we want:
  , platform
  , created_at
  , [daterange_start] as daterange_start
  , [daterange_end] as daterange_end
where [created_at=daterange]
limit 20
Here's how it will look on the dashboard: 
And now that we have those columns available, we can pass them via the drilldown as follows:

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Last update:
‎03-02-2023 09:28 AM
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