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Community Team Member
Community Team Member


When embedding Sisense in a parent application, there will be a need to route email reports to your parent application dashboard URL.
For example, when a customer will load a dashboard in the embedded application, the dashboard URL might look something like this
While the original Sisense dashboard URL might looks something like this:
In this case, when a customer receives an email report from the application, for instance to view a dashboard that was shared with them, they will be routed to the original Sisense dashboard URL and not the parent application URL. 


This article proposes two solutions to this:
1) Change the Alias field in the Admin/Settings of Sisense to the parent application URL. If the parent application dashboard URLs match this pattern:
Then this solution will work. But, in case the parent application dashboard URL must be manipulated, you will need to apply the second solution.
2) Manipulate the embedded url token in Sisense templates.
Let's use the dashboard share report as an example. If we open:
We will the see following:
<td align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff">
     <a name='dashboard' href='<%= url %>' target='_blank'> <img src='cid:<%= images[i] %>' id="<%= images[i] %>" name="<%= images[i] %>" /> </a>
We notice that the anchor tag has an EJS expression as the reference for the hyperlink:
href='<%= url %>'
The url token in this case evaluates to the original Sisense dashboard URL:
We can use JavaScript replace method to manipulate this token to match the parent application dashboard URL as so:
<a name='dashboard' href='<%= url.replace('', '') %>' ... </a>
When the email will be generated, the URL will resolve to the expected endpoint:
and direct the customer to the dashboard in the parent application.
* This solution was tested on Linux LA version and Windows version 7.4.
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Last update:
‎02-15-2024 10:03 AM
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