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Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member

How to record a .har file and identify if specific requests are present in logs 

How to record a .har file 

  1. Open Chrome and go to the page to be recorded. 
  2. Click the More Actions menu (...) to the right of the toolbar and select More tools > Developer tools.

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 10.59.32 AM.png
[ALT Text: Screenshot of a web browser interface showing the top navigation bar with a red background. The sidebar menu on the right displays options such as "New Tab," "New Window," "New Incognito Window," and "More Tools," with "Developer Tools" highlighted at the bottom. The label "Admin" is visible at the top.] 
3. Select the Network tab.
4. Ensure that Chrome is recording by clicking the gray record button. A red button indicates that a recording is already in progress.


Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11.00.41 AM.png

[ALT text: A blurred screenshot of a web development tool, showing two sections labeled "Network" with various icons and options for performance monitoring, such as "Preserve log," "Disable cache," and filtering options.]

5. Select Preserve Log

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11.01.08 AM.png[ALT text: A screenshot of a web browser's developer tools showing the "Network" tab. Various options are visible, including "Preserve log," "Disable cache," and dropdowns for filters like "All," "Fetch/XHR," "Doc," and "CSS."]

 6. Clear any existing logs by clicking Clear network log 


Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11.02.41 AM.png[ALT text: "Screenshot of a web browser's developer tools, showing the 'Network' tab with various buttons and options for elements like 'Preserve log', 'Disable cache', and a filter input. The interface has sections labeled 'Elements', 'Console', 'Sources', 'Network', 'Performance', 'Memory', and 'Application'."]
7. Reproduce the issue (reload dashboard/widget/page where error occurs) 
8. Click on the ‘Export’ icon and save the fil 
Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11.03.54 AM.png

[ALT Text: A screenshot of a web development tool showing the "Network" tab, with options to preserve log and disable cache. Below, a dialog box is open for saving a file named "test.har," with a location set to "Downloads" and buttons for "Cancel" and "Save."]

How to identify if necessary jaql request is present in logs 

  1. Follow the instructions from the section above up to step 7. 
  2. Once you have all the requests recorded, filter ‘jaql’ requests, by typing ‘jaql’ in ‘Filter’ secti 

    Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11.06.50 AM.png[ALT Text: "A screenshot of a web browser's developer tools, specifically the Network tab. It shows a list of network requests with details like the name 'ajax,' status codes of 200, and type 'xhr'."]
  3. On the right side, you will see the column ‘Status’. When the status is 200, it means the request was executed without any issues. In case the request is in red color, and the status is not 200, there was an error. 

Press on any jaql request and inspect the content in the ‘Headers’ section. The status will be on top. copy full status.

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11.07.50 AM.png
[ALT Text: A blurred screenshot of a web development tool, displaying a request log. The log shows various headers with details like "Request URL," "Request Method," "Status Code" indicating "200 OK," "Remote Address," and "Referrer Policy." The interface includes tabs labeled "Headers," "Preview," "Response," "Network," and others, suggesting a focus on inspecting web traffic.]

Then, scroll down till you see ‘x-request-id:’ parameter. Copy its  value. 


Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11.09.01 AM.png

[ALT Text: Screenshot of a web browser's developer tools showing various HTTP response headers. Key details highlighted include "Cache-Control," "Content-Type," and "X-Request-Id" with a specific ID format.]

Login to Sisense server (for on-premise customers) 

If you have a single node: 

  1. Run this command (we have checked query.log, you may adjust it to any log file name you need 

1 cat /var/log/sisense/sisense/<log_file_name> | grep <X-Request-id> 

2 For example: 

3 cat /var/log/sisense/sisense/query.log | grep 0dd344fd-0944-4854-9017-9516026a44f8 

If you have a multi-node: 

  1. Run this command (we have checked query.log, you may adjust it to any log file name you need 

1 kubectl -n sisense exec -it $(kubectl get pod -n sisense -l k8s-app=fluentd -o custom columns="" 

2 ) -- cat /var/log/sisense/sisense/<log_file_name> | grep <X-Request-id> 3 For example: 

4 kubectl -n sisense exec -it $(kubectl get pod -n sisense -l k8s-app=fluentd -o custom columns="" 

5 ) -- cat /var/log/sisense/sisense/query.log | grep 'da33af48-4278-4a70-bfba-445167d8e697'In case there is any output in console, the ‘X-Request-id’ is present in the specific log f

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Last update:
‎01-30-2025 09:57 AM
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