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Community Team Member


I have a dashboard that is referred to via a static Web page. I've developed a replacement dashboard but I want it to have the same exact object id number as its predecessor.
So, I want to overwrite a dashboard ID with a completely different definition.
How I could easily accomplish that?


The flow you should take is: 
1. Export the new dashboard's .dash file
2. Open the .dash file and run a search & replace the new OID of the dashboard with the OID of the original dashboard. 
3. Import the modified .dash file and choose to override the existing dashboard. 
I suggest you'll do a "dry run" on a dummy dashboard to make sure you understand the flow and that it works for you. 
NOTE: Either way, keep a copy of the original dashboard's .dash file so in case something goes wrong you'll have an easy role back option. 


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Last update:
‎10-14-2021 05:25 PM
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