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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
When a build fails, the folder that was created up to that point with the data will still remain on your server. This can consume 100s of GB and required to clean from time to time.
The attached application runs on the server cleaning all unnecessary folders.
Steps for running the app - 
1. Download the attached exe file
2. Run it as with the selected parameter
elasticubedatacleaner <command> [options]
List folders to delete without deletion.
Delete unused folders.
-h, --help
Show help.
--ecdatafolders [ECDATAFOLDERS]
List of folders directory to scan.
--ecservicename [ECSERVICENAME]
Specify the name of the EC service. Default: Sisense.ECMS (for version 7.1 and earlier change the service to ElastiCubeManager
Delete Alternative folders. An alternative is created for a cube building in an accumulated mode in order to be used as a base cube once the second cube started
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Version history
Last update:
‎02-09-2024 11:01 AM
Updated by: