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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
Want to create a convenient Sisense for Cloud Data Teams SQL Snippet which emulates a function and returns the (Pearson) correlation coefficient between two variables?
Create a SQL Snippet called 'correlation_calc(metric_1 , metric2)' and insert the following SQL: 
(avg([metric_1]*[metric_2]) - (avg([metric_1]) * avg([metric_2]))) / ( stddev_pop([metric_1]) * stddev_pop([metric_2]) )
To call this function (for example, say between a 'height' and 'weight' column), simply call in your select field: 
correlation_calc(height,weight) as correlation_betweeen_height_and_weight
to return the correlation coefficient (which ranges from -1 to +1) between your two variables! 

Share your convenient statistical snippets - covariance, autocorrelation, there are many useful snippets to create!

Note - this uses the stddev_pop Redshift function. If you're working with samples, use stddev_samp() instead. 
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Last update:
‎03-02-2023 08:58 AM
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