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on 03-02-2023 09:33 AM

A frequent business question often posted by Sales teams is "Where are our customers currently in terms of contract adherence?" This helps inform next steps and conversations for an account. With Python's matplotlib, we can make custom objects that are tailored to the business's use-case. In this case, we can use a bar to show how close a customer is to their allotted amount of usage for a particular line item in a contract.
SQL Data Input Format
A dataframe with two columns: first column denoting contract value and second column with the current value.
Python Chart Script
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
# Function: Takes an integer/float and returns a string with the number rounded to the nearest thousand place and appends the appropriate thousand's place symbol
# Input: float/intger
# Output: Formatted string
def prettify_num(num):
pretty_num = ''
if abs(num) < 10**3:
pretty_num = str(num)
elif abs(num) < 10**6:
pretty_num = str(round(1.0*num/10**3,1)) + 'K'
elif abs(num) < 10**9:
pretty_num = str(round(1.0*num/10**6,1)) + 'M'
pretty_num = str(round(1.0*num/10**9,1)) + 'B'
return pretty_num
# Function: Divide the first number by the second and returns a string with the appropiate formatting
# Input: df with at least two columns
# Output: Formatted string of the percent taking the first number as the denomiator and the number in the second column as the numerator
def pretty_percent(num, den):
if df.iloc[0,1] > 0:
percentage = str(round(100.0 * num / den,1)) + '%'
elif df.iloc[0,1] == 0:
percentage = '0%'
percentage = 'NA'
return percentage
# Function: Color code the colors based on how the first column compares to the second column
# Input: df with at least two columns
# Output: a color stirng or hex code
def color_me_timbers(df):
if df.size == 0 or df.iloc[0,1] == 0:
color = 'gray'
elif df.iloc[0,0] == -1:
color = 'black'
elif df.iloc[0,1] <= df.iloc[0,0]:
color = '#0c577c'
# elif df.iloc[0,1] < 1.2 * df.iloc[0,0]:
# color = '#8b0000'
elif df.iloc[0,1] > df.iloc[0,0]:
color = '#8b0000' # red #ad0505 #e00000
color = '#0c577c'
return color
# Function: Parse the df and returns the numbers contextualized
# Input: df with at least two columns
# Output: an array of three numeric or null values: the percent(0-1), the current number, and the contract number
def parse(df):
if df.size == 0:
return [None, None]
elif df.iloc[0,0] == -1:
current = df.iloc[0,1]
return [current, np.inf]
current = df.iloc[0,1]
contract = df.iloc[0,0]
return [current, contract]
# Function: Parse the df and returns the prettified numbers to be sent to the matplot plot
# Input: df with at least two columns
# Output: an array of three prettified strings: the percent, the current number, and the contract number
def pretty_parse(df):
[current, contract] = parse(df)
if df.size == 0:
return ['', '', 'NA']
elif contract == np.inf:
current = str(prettify_num(current))
return [current, '$\infty$', '$\infty$']
return [str(prettify_num(current)),
pretty_percent(current, contract)]
# Function: create a centered text object
# Input: the axes object to append to and optionally (text, color, y_position, font_size)
# Output: matplot ax.text object
def kpi_text(ax, text = '', text_color = 'black', y_position = 0, font_size = 10):
return ax.text(x = 0.5,
y = y_position,
s = text,
color = text_color,
family = 'sans-serif',
fontsize = font_size,
fontweight = 500,
horizontalalignment = 'center',
verticalalignment = 'center')
# Function: Find the center location of the reamining bar
# Input: Tuple with the Numerator and Denomiator
# Output: x location of the bar remaining as a float
def bar_text_locator((num, den)):
location = 0
if df.size == 0:
location = 0.5
elif den == - 1:
location = 0.5
elif den <= num:
location = 0.5
location = (1 + 1.0 * num / den) / 2
return location
# Function: Create the bar text overlay string
# Input: numerator and denonomicator
# Output: prettified string
def bar_text_overlay(num, den):
text = ''
if df.size == 0:
text = ''
elif df.iloc[0,0] == -1:
text = ''
text = prettify_num(den - num)
return text
# return the width of the left rectangle
# if null or infinite then left = 0 (all gray)
def left_bar_length(df):
percent_completed = 0
if df.size == 0:
percent_completed = 0
elif df.iloc[0,1] == -1:
percent_completed = 0
percent_completed = 1.0 * df.iloc[0,1] / df.iloc[0,0]
return percent_completed
def kpi_chart(df, titletext = 'KPI'):
# Parse data
[current, contract] = parse(df)
percent = 1.0 * current/contract if df.size != 0 else None
[pcurrent, pcontract, ppercent] = pretty_parse(df)
# Set up figure canvas
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (5,5))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0)
mediumgray = '#999292'
lightgray = '#c4c4c4'
# Primary Texts (Title and Percents)
title = kpi_text(ax, text = titletext, text_color = 'lightgray', font_size = 50, y_position = 0.85)
percent = kpi_text(ax, text = ppercent, text_color = color_me_timbers(df), font_size = 90 if contract != np.inf else 130, y_position = 0.55)
#Secondary Texts
if df.size > 0:
# Formatting variables
x_start = 0
y_start = 0.21
bar_width = 1
bar_height = 0.15 #0.165
percent_completed = left_bar_length(df)
bar_width_new = bar_width * (1 - percent_completed)
x_start_new = x_start + (bar_width * percent_completed)
bar_text_size = 35
completedbox = ax.add_patch(
(x_start, y_start), # (x,y)
bar_width, # width
bar_height, # height
color = color_me_timbers(df)
graybox = ax.add_patch(
(x_start_new, y_start), # (x,y)
bar_width_new, # width
bar_height, # height
color = mediumgray if contract != np.inf else 'black'
graybox_width = graybox.get_extents().width
bartext = ax.text(x = bar_text_locator((current, contract)),
y = 0.28, #285
s = bar_text_overlay(current, contract),
color = '#ffffff',
family = 'sans-serif',
fontsize = bar_text_size,
fontweight = 500,
horizontalalignment = 'center',
verticalalignment = 'center')
bartext_width = bartext.get_window_extent(renderer=fig.canvas.get_renderer()).width
if current < contract:
if bartext_width > graybox_width:
ax.text(x = 0,
y = 0.13,
s = pcurrent,
color = color_me_timbers(df),
family = 'sans-serif',
fontsize = bar_text_size - 5,
fontweight = 250,
horizontalalignment = 'left',
verticalalignment = 'center')
ax.text(x = 1,
y = 0.13,
s = pcontract,
color = mediumgray if contract != np.inf else 'black',
family = 'sans-serif',
fontweight = 250,
fontsize = bar_text_size - 5,
horizontalalignment = 'right',
verticalalignment = 'center')
ax.text(x = 0,
y = 0.06,
s = 'Current',
color = lightgray,
family = 'sans-serif',
fontsize = 15,
horizontalalignment = 'left',
verticalalignment = 'center')
ax.text(x = 1,
y = 0.06,
s = 'Contract',
color = lightgray,
family = 'sans-serif',
fontsize = 15,
horizontalalignment = 'right',
verticalalignment = 'center')
return plt
periscope.image(kpi_chart(df, titletext = 'Feature 4'))
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