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Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member

Changing your UID and GID to 1000

While deploying Sisense on a Linux OS Distribution, you may need to use UID and GID 1000 for the installation user (linux_user in YAML).

 Step 1: Check the UID and GID of your installation user:

  • Run the following command: id installation_user or id $(whoami) 
  • If the installation user is already using UID and GID 1000. No changes are needed!
  • If not, proceed to Step 2!

Step 2: Check whether there is another user, that is already using UID and GID 1000:

  • sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep 1000
  • If the output is empty, no user is using it. You can proceed to Step 3.
  • If not, identify the user that is using UID/GID 1000 and proceed to Step 4.

Step 3: Do the following to give the Installation User UID/GID 1000:

  1. Log out the installation_user with the exit command: exit
  2. Log in with root or a different user with sudo permission
  3. Run the following command:                                        

sudo usermod -u 1000 installation_user ; groupmod -g 1000 installation_user 

Note: If you encounter an error, you may forcefully log out the installation_user with:

sudo pkill -KILL -u installation_user 

Then re-run:  

sudo usermod -u 1000 installation_user ; groupmod -g 1000 installation_user

To confirm the UID/GID 1000 assignment, run: id installation_user 

Step 4: Do the following to get UID/GID 1000 from a different user:

  1. Log in with root or a different user with sudo permission
  2. Log out the current_1000_user and the installation_user with the exit command or with: 

sudo pkill -KILL -u current_1000_user ; sudo pkill -KILL -u installation_user

  1. Give the current_1000_user a new UID/GID by checking, for example, if a user is using a random UID/GID such as 2005:

sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep 2005

If the output is empty, no user is using it. You can proceed with the assignment of 2005:                          

sudo usermod -u 2005 installation_user ; groupmod -g 2005 installation_user

  • Then, run the following command:                                         

sudo usermod -u 1000 installation_user ; groupmod -g 1000 installation_user

  • To confirm the UID/GID 1000 assignment, run: id installation_user 


Step 5: Ensure the correct ownership of the following directories:

/home/installation_user, /home/old_1000_user, /opt/sisense

  1. sudo chown -R installation_user:installation_user /home/installation_user
  2. sudo chown -R old_1000_user:old_1000_user /home/old_1000_user
  3. sudo chown -R installation_user:installation_user /opt/sisense

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to ensure that the UID 1000 can be changed and the original user with UID 1000 does not own any files or directories that might impact the server.

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Last update:
‎06-04-2024 07:00 AM
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