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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
The connector will work on Sisense version 7.1 and up
Here are the steps for connecting to BambooHR data:
  1. Unzip this folder and place it in the connector directory:
    C:\Program Files\Sisense\DataConnectors\DotNetContainer\Connectors
  2. Go to the custom report you want to import into Sisense. In the report URL you will find the report number

  3. Open the unzipped folder and find the config.json file. Open this file as an Administrator (using Notpad++ for example)
  4. Insert the report number into the config file instead of *Add Report Number*
  5. If you have more than one table, duplicate the table object in the Tables section, and change the relevant report numbers
  6. Find your domain name and insert it into the config file instead of *Add Domain Name*.
    To find your domain name, go to your company's Bamboo site. the domain is the first part of the URL
    For example, in the following URL:
    The domain is: sisense
  7. From the Services panel, restart the Sisense.CLRConnectorsContainer service
  8. Import the data into Sisense EC:
    1. Open the Elasticube Manager 
    2. Select BambooHR data source
    3. API key -
      1. Go to BambooHR website and log in as an Administrator.
      2. Click on the User on the top right of the screen
      3. Select Generate API key - copy this key as the API key and also save it on your personal computer so you would be able to keep reusing the same key. Please notice that this key would not be presented again. The next time you will go to this screen it will generate a new API key

    4. Basic Token - Convert the API key to a Basic Token using Postman
      1. Choos the GET function and paste the following script:
        https://*API Key*:[email protected]/api/gateway.php/*Domain Name*/v1/reports/*Report Number*?format=JSON.
        Replace the red placeholders with the relevant content. For example:
        https://abc123:[email protected]/api/gateway.php/sisense/v1/reports/123?format=JSON
      2. In the Authorization tab, choose Type: No Auth
      3. Click on Send
      4. If the call was successful, you will see the body of the report number you chose. If needed, you'll be able to use this table structure in the future.
      5. Go to the Headers tab. The Authorization key contains the Basic token Value. Copy it, including the "Basic" part
    5. Click OK
    6. Select the tables you want to import to the Elasticube
That's it, you should be ready to go 🙂
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Last update:
‎03-02-2023 08:43 AM
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