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Adding custom images to Sisense dashboards: best practices and guidelines

Sisense allows you to add your images to dashboards. For example, these pictures can be added as the custom logo on the dashboard or to represent some data like legend or description.

There are two folders in Sisense where publicly available files can be placed. These are the following folders (let’s call them root folder):

  • branding;
  • plugins.

Use File Manager to get to these folders and place your images. For better managing these files I recommend creating a new folder. Let’s call it “resources”. Place a new picture “myImage.png“ into the folder we have just created. Now, your picture will be accessible on the next URL (depending on the root folder):

  • {sisenseUrl}/branding/resources/myImage.png;
  • {sisenseUrl}/plugins/resources/myImage.png;

Since every change in the directory “plugins” causes plugins rebuild, it is recommeded to store your resources in the folder ‘branding’. Also, many images in the folder ‘plugins’ will increase time of the plugins rebuild.

Unfortunately, there is no out-of-the-box solution that restricts authenticated users' access to these files. If you need to restrict access to your resources for not authenticated users, please, contact support for reviewing the case.

Using these paths you can store images that will be later used by the widgets (for example BloX, or RichText) to make your dashboards more interactive.

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Last update:
‎12-24-2024 07:54 AM
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