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the display format of the cube build time is shown as "Nov 8, 2023 2:00:01 AM"

We should have option to format it to "11/08/2023 02:00 ' i.e. MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'


Hi @luciano.

Thank you for reaching out. If you are looking for help creating a Widget or Dashboard please post in the Help and How-to Forum.

I'm not looking for help creating widget or dashboard, I'm looking for help to fix the issue stated on this forum topic. Is exactly the same issue the user mentioned.

Hi @luciano.

Thank you for responding. This forum is for product feedback. If you need assistance please submit in other forums or reach out to support.

Thank you.


this is truly obscured- why I cannot display a timestamp column in EC in whatever format possible  ?

why when I need to see time with the date it hides the date ? 

all other BI tools have that simple format feature  .

moreover, when I try to bypass this weird missing functionality and display the same field twice to show one column with date and the other with time - I cannot sort by multiple field in a table or table with agg ? 

even excel can do it .

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

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