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Currently you only provide a direct link to a dashboard. 

Allow the ability to have the ID of the dashboard.

That way customers embedding the dashboard into their main app can load it natively into their app instead of directing the user directly to the Sisense instance.

Status changed to: Needs Info

Hello @bmorse,

Thank you for your feedback.

Are you talking about embedding a report in an email, or within an app or website?

If the latter, have you looked at our ComposeSDK? It may address your use case.

Please let me know what you think.

Hello @bmorse,

Thank you for your feedback.

Are you talking about embedding a report in an email, or within an app or website?

If the latter, have you looked at our ComposeSDK? It may address your use case.

Please let me know what you think.

embedding a report in an email

We load Sisense into our app using an iframe, so it would be great if we could modify the email template to hardcode our base path, and then append the dashboard ID to the end, so it'd be something like:{dashboardId} and we'd load it within our application.


Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details.

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