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Many of our clients have found it confusing that the formula editor will sometimes render AGG( [Data Field] ) and sometimes render [Agg Data Field]. They are the same, and people eventually learn that they are the same thing. Still, we field more support tickets than I'd like in which we find formulas that contain things like AGG( [Agg Data Field] ). For example, SUM ( [Total Quantity] ).

SUM Total Quantity.png

Status changed to: Needs Info

Hi @wallingfordce.

Thank you for the feedback. I'm checking with the product team to see if this is intended or not. I'll post updates here as I have them.

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hi @wallingfordce.

I heard back from the Product team, and while this may not be a bug, it's something that we can work to resolve.

We encourage people to continue to vote and comment. One of the ways we prioritize efforts is by community interest, so every vote and comment helps turn a request into reality.

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!