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Currently, we are using below Rest API to generate a daily report to know the users, groups, roles etc. 


We need an additional field (last_password_change_date) for reporting that would tell us when the user changed the password.


Reference sisense ticket: 00775935

Thanks @skulkarni for raising this, I investigated internally to see if there are any alternative solutions we could provide in the short term but came up with nothing bullet proof which I feel is essential here.

I've flagged this with our product team and will see if I can get any sense of timeline here.

Thank you for the feedback!

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hello @skulkarni,

Thank you for sharing your idea and providing details.

We will bring this to the product team and provide updates here as they are available.

We encourage people to continue to vote and comment. We use community interest as one of the ways we prioritize efforts, so every vote and comment can help turn a request into a reality.

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!