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Windows Sisense currently has no way for us as administrators to control how much ram is being used by elasticubes. From looking at the community site, it appears that linux has a way to do this through data groups, but when consulting with support, I have been told to increase our resources, simplify our models, etc.


The big problems that we have observed at my company is that

1. Sisense seems to take up the resources it is given - when ram is increased, usage percentage stays at the same level

2. If something does go wrong and resources begin to get consumed, there are no guard rails in place to stop whatever incident is happening from taking down the whole server

This second case has happened only a few times in the years we have had Sisense, but I don't like that I have no way to be proactive about these issues. 

Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hi @jamnikej,

Hello .

Thank you for your feedback! I would like to get this Idea over to the product team, but first I would like to get more information and head off any roadblocks to implementation.

How would you like to see Sisense implement these "guard rails"? Are you looking for things you already use third-party server monitoring apps for? Can you provide some examples?

Thank you for working with me to get this Idea fleshed out so it can be evaluated and scoped for effort.

Have a great day!


We are really looking for a way to control how much data can be cached by Sisense - when I look at this article - Data Groups In-depth - it looks like similar functionality is set up for linux. The article points out that complex aggregations and formulas can lead to increased caching of ram as dashboards are being accessed - this is what we are experiencing on our windows instance. 

I am happy with a tool like data groups being implemented on windows that would allow us to put a cap on how much ram a set of queries can take up, and setting up a time to auto-stop sources that are no longer being used. I am really looking for the data groups tool to be available for windows rather than a completely new tool be invented.


Thank you for getting back to me and providing details. We will bring this to the product team and provide updates here as they are available.

I encourage people to continue to vote and comment. We use community interest as one of the ways we prioritize efforts, so every vote and comment can help turn a request into a reality.

Thank you again for sharing and being part of our community!