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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
Here's an example script for how to embed dashboards in a Salesforce page - in this case, we're embedding in the Accounts page. Be sure to replace your dashboard id, API key, and include the appropriate filters. 

<apex:page standardController="Account"> # Salesforce apex page tag

# include any cdn / libraries
<script src=''></script>


<div id="container"/> #container to house the embed

# function to create a periscopeURL
function periscopeUrl (apiKey, data) {
var path = '/api/embedded_dashboard?data=' + escape(JSON.stringify(data));

var sha = new jsSHA('SHA-256', 'TEXT');
sha.setHMACKey(apiKey, 'TEXT');
var signature = sha.getHMAC('HEX');

// Build and return final URL
var url = '' + path + '&signature=' + signature;
return url;

var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');

// Set final URL given API key, dashboard id, and account info
iframe.src = periscopeUrl('API_KEY', {
dashboard: DASHBOARD_ID,
embed: 'v2',
filters: [{name: 'FilterNameinPeriscope', value:'{!Account.Name}'}]

iframe.height = 1500;
iframe.width = 500;
var div = document.getElementById('container');


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Last update:
‎03-02-2023 09:00 AM
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