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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
There is no OOTB option to roll up a date by the day of the week.Use this simple trick to achieve this with a simple custom field which will display and sort  as a calendar day without any additional script.
Create an expression field in the Elasticube > Give it any suitable name e.g. Day of Week. 
Enter the formula as any day where the date corresponds to the day of the week.
E.g. Feb 01, 2016  is a Monday, Feb 02, 2016 is a Tuesday etc
createdate(2016,2,dayofweek([Date Field]))
Create a chart or a pivot in your dashboard, add the custom field  with the day roll up and format the field to only show the day. e.g. EEE or EEEE
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Last update:
‎03-02-2023 08:36 AM
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