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Status: Needs Info

Unsure if it has to do with the numerous columns that we have in this table specifically but there is no drag scrollbar to be able to see beyond the first 6 columns. It would be nice to enable scrolling despite numerous columns so that users do not have to manually download the report. 


My team's instance is experiencing the same issue. I know that side scrolling previously worked so this seems like this is a bug. @Sisense Support please resolve ASAP

Hi @haydenwitt,

Have you reached out to support about this?

@DRay Yes this has been resolved. My team didn't make any changes on our end, but this appears to be working as expected. Thanks!

Status changed to: Needs Info

Hello @alisonhenley,

Thank you for submitting your Idea. Have you reached out to support about this? My understanding is that there should be a scroll bar.