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With the "Jump to Dashboard" add-on installed & the "suppress _drill_" dashboard parameter configured, SiSense hides the _drill_ dashboards from everyone except the owner (which includes the sisenseadmin account).   As a result, it is hard for the administrator to view and/or manage _drill_ dashboards that are owned by a designer.   There is a workaround via F12 that SiSense showed me, but it's not intuitive.   It would be nice if there was a parameter to allow the sisenseadmin to always have the ability to see/edit the _drill_ dashboards (or perhaps that should be the default behavior).

Status changed to: New Idea

Hi @bobhenry ,

The administrators can see all dashboards, including the _drill_ dashboards, in the Analytics page when they switch to 'All' filter.
The dashboards that are not owned by or shared with an admin user are color-coded and can be accessed for administration.

You can find more details about it in our documentation:

Status changed to: Already in product