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Status: New Idea

Hi all,

Can there please be a way to export and import the "Look and Feel" themes in Sisense? At the moment, I've got a dev and prod instances for Sisense and 50+ clients who we aim to have custom themes based on their company branding and colour schemes. After making and testing one out in Dev, I'd love to be able to just copy a theme over from Dev to Prod when promoting a dashboard up instead of the current process of going through each individual settings and copying each colour one by one.

Kind regards,





@Shams ,

As a workaround you could use the themes api endpoint to get/create/update themes. You could essentially automate the proces by getting a specific theme from the dev env, post it to the prod env and change the settings to use that theme (or change group settings to use that theme)



@HamzaJ I've seen that for color palettes for widgets but not for overall look and feel white labelling. Have you got an example of this being done?

Under V1 there is an endpoint called Themes. There you will find the needed info. For creating this is the payload you can send:

  "name": "New Theme",
  "isDefault": false,
  "typography": {
    "predefinedFont": "Open Sans",
    "hyperlinkColor": "#1FAFF3",
    "hyperlinkHoverColor": "#0065e3",
    "primaryTextColor": "#5B6372",
    "secondaryTextColor": "#9EA2AB"
  "dashboards": {
    "loadingScreen": "Three dots",
    "toolbarBackgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "toolbarTextColor": "#5B6372",
    "toolbarSecondaryTextColor": "#9EA2AB",
    "colorPaletteName": "Vivid",
    "navBackgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "navTextColor": "#5B6372",
    "navTextHoverColor": "#3A4356",
    "navHoverBackgroundColor": "#F4F4F8",
    "panelBackgroundColor": "#F6F6F6",
    "panelTitleTextColor": "#5B6372",
    "widgetTextColor": "#5B6372",
    "widgetSecondaryTextColor": "#9EA2AB",
    "widgetBackgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "widgetTitleBackgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "widgetTitleColor": "#5B6372",
    "widgetTitleAlignment": "left",
    "widgetSecondaryTitleColor": "#9EA2AB",
    "widgetTitleDividerEnabled": false,
    "widgetTitleDividerColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "widgetBorderEnabled": false,
    "widgetBorderColor": "#C5C8CF",
    "widgetCornerRadius": "none",
    "widgetShadow": "none",
    "widgetSpacing": "none",
    "layoutBackgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"
  "general": {
    "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "brandColor": "#FFCB05",
    "primaryButtonHoverColor": "#F2B900",
    "primaryButtonTextColor": "#3A4356",
    "secondaryButtonBaseColor": "#EDEEF1",
    "secondaryButtonHoverColor": "#D0D3DB",
    "secondaryButtonTextColor": "#3A4356"

Hello @Shams,

Was @HamzaJ able to provide you with the answer you needed?