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Current Behavior: 

When user selects filter options such as Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Does not start with , End with , Does not end with etc.  , the resulted suggestions can only be viewed , but cannot be filtered. 


  • Users should be able to select a filter option, enter a value and use the suggestions to filter.  Currently its giving an inconsistent user experience (Some options are filterable such as Is, Is not,  & few others are not)
  • OR, should display an appropriate label to say the least . 

I initially considered this as a bug ,and later realized as a product design. 


1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs Votes & Comments

Hello @vbaskaran,

Thank you for submitting your idea!

I have submitted this Idea to the product team and I will post updates here as they are available. 

One of the ways we prioritize development efforts is by community interest. Please encourage other users to vote and comment on your suggestion, the more engagement a request receives, the higher the likelihood of it being considered for implementation.

Thank you for being a valuable part of our community!