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Status: New Idea

Currently, when using the Usage Analytics EC you do not have the ability to audit for everything you need when it comes to what your users are downloading.  Right now all we can audit for is PDF, Image, and CSV.  I would like the ability to be able to audit for Excel, PPT and any download options that are made available.

Management wants to know who is downloading what, but right now we can only give data for some items and only for 30 days.


I would like to be able to have a larger selection of items to audit that utilize a customizable timeframe for how long to retain history for a select data point.

If we are to audit for a pattern of downloads 30 days does not meet our needs.  Currently, if we want to audit for more than 30 days, we would need to get the data in a format that can then be loaded into an external DB that can then be reincorporated back into an EC for reporting.  This seems to be a waste of time and resources when this should be able to happen in the source system.

1 Comment

Hello @Appfire_Al ,
You can actually achieve it by changing the retention days under:
Admin->Monitoring and support->Usage Analytics

Regarding the option to export the dashboard in a different format - this is a good suggestion, however, some capabilities are available for now only with plugins.
I suggest you to look at the marketplace as there are some plugins that can help with this matter.

 Feel free to reach out if you have further questions, we're always happy to help (: 
Paldi Solutions - Number #1 Sisense Plugins Developer