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Status: Needs Info

Required feature to auto manage the license when on SSO. So that if a user drops out of organization or has not utilized the license in the last x days, Then the license is auto recovered from the directory and is free to be consumed. If it possible then please required document  with us.

Status changed to: Needs Info

Hello @Bold_Sisense,

Have you looked into the Sisense API? You could use that to write a script that checks for users that have been removed from your SSO directory and call the Sisense API to remove that user from Sisense. Here is our User API documentation.

Please let me know if that addresses your needs.

Thank you.

Hello @Bold_Sisense,

Have you looked into the Sisense API? You could use that to write a script that checks for users that have been removed from your SSO directory and call the Sisense API to remove that user from Sisense. Here is our User API documentation.

Please let me know if that addresses your needs.

Thank you.