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Windows Compatibility Check for Linux

Follow the steps below to download and run the executable utility file to check Linux compatibility. This will generate a file outlining key metrics associated with your Windows deployment (such as storage utilization) and assist with determining the complexity of a possible migration from Windows to Linux. 

Please note that running the file on each of your Sisense environments is essential. Run the file on the build node if you have a multi-node environment. 

  1. Download the utility file:
  2. Right-Click & Run the utility as an Administrator on the Windows server where Sisense is installed.
  3. For a Multi-node environment, please run the utility on the server you are using as your build node.
  4. The utility will package the collected information in a file named “CloudMigrationInfo.txt” and place the file on your desktop.

The following are instructions on how to run programs on Windows via CMD: 

  • Open the Command Prompt (CMD) by typing "cmd" in the Windows search bar and selecting the "Command Prompt" app.
  • Navigate to the folder where the program is located by using the "cd" command. For example, if your program is located in the "C:\Programs" folder, type "cd C:\Programs" in the Command Prompt.
  • Type the name of the utility "CheckLinux.exe" and press Enter.
  • The program will run and any output or error messages will be displayed in the Command Prompt window.
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This guide provides clear steps to assess Linux compatibility for your Windows environment. By running the provided utility, you can gather essential metrics like storage utilization, aiding in gauging the feasibility of transitioning from Windows to Linux. Remember to execute this on each Sisense environment, or the build node for multi-node setups. Simply download the utility, right-click, and run it as Administrator. The collected data will be packaged in "CloudMigrationInfo.txt" on your desktop. Thanks for sharing Training

Thank you.

Version history
Last update:
‎04-11-2023 07:00 AM
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