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Community Team Member
Community Team Member
Contextualizing KPIs is a must. For instance, if a company has 500 users, how does that compare to the number of users last week? Using Sisense for Cloud Data Teams' Python Integration, we can create customized number overlays to cleanly present this information. To generate this visual, we require a SQL output with the following 2 columns:
  1. ds_aggregation: the date or datetime. name should be ds_hour, ds_day, ds_week, ds_month, ds_quarter, or ds_year. if you are using the built-in aggregation filter to allow this parameter to by dynamic, you can name it ds_[aggregation]
  2. y_value: the value to forecast. name it whatever makes sense, e.g. y_signups, y$_revenue, etc. add the dollar sign ($) to format in dollars.
Python 3.6 Script
# SQL output should have 2 columns:
#    1) ds_aggregation: the date or datetime. name should be ds_hour, ds_day, ds_week, ds_month, ds_quarter, or ds_year. if you are using Periscope's aggregation filter, you can name it ds_[aggregation]

#    2) y_value: the value to forecast. name it whatever makes sense, e.g. y_signups, y$_revenue, etc. add the dollar sign ($) to format in dollars.

import pandas as pd
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import datetime
import numpy as np

# Generating dummy data if SQL output is not in the correct format
community_post = ''
dummy_df = pd.DataFrame()
dummy_df['ds_day'] = pd.date_range(start='12/1/2018', end='1/1/2019')
dummy_df['row_num'] = range(1, dummy_df.shape[0] + 1)
dummy_df['multiplier'] = np.random.randint(10,50, dummy_df.shape[0])
dummy_df['y$_revenue'] = dummy_df['row_num'] * dummy_df['multiplier']

# gets the formatter for the column ($ or %)
def get_formatter(column):
  if '$' in column:
    return '$'
  elif '%' in column:
    return '%'
    return None

# returns the plotly formatter for the column
def tickformat(column):
  if column.startswith('y$'):
    return '$.3s'
  elif column.startswith('y%'):
    return '.0%'
    return '.3s'

# formats the column name
def column_name(column):
  return column.split('_', 1)[1].replace('_',' ').title()

# identifies the aggregation level
def aggregation(ds_col):
  return ds_col.split('_', 1)[1].lower()

# formats a percent value
def percent(pct):
  return str(int(round(pct*100))) + '%'

# formats a number based on its formatter ($ or %)
def format(num, formatter = None):
  if formatter is None:
    return abbrev(num)
  elif formatter == '$':
    return dollars(num)
  elif formatter == '%':
    return percent(num)

# formats a dollar value
def dollars(num):
  num = float('{:.3g}'.format(float(num)))
  magnitude = 0
  while abs(num) >= 1000:
    magnitude += 1
    num /= 1000.0
  return '${}{}'.format('{:f}'.format(num).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'), ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'][magnitude])

# makes a large number human-readable, e.g. 100000 -> 100K
def abbrev(num):
  num = float('{:.3g}'.format(float(num)))
  magnitude = 0
  while abs(num) >= 1000:
    magnitude += 1
    num /= 1000.0
  return '{}{}'.format('{:f}'.format(num).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'), ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'][magnitude])

# returns the css styling for text
def style_text(text, **settings):
  style = ';'.join([f'{key.replace("_","-")}:{settings[key]}' for key in settings])
  return f'<span style="{style}">{text}</span>'

def style_link(text, link, **settings):
  style = ';'.join([f'{key.replace("_","-")}:{settings[key]}' for key in settings])
  return f'<a href="{link}" style="{style}">{text}</a>'

# displays text in the center of the plot
def number_overlay(text, annotation_msg=None):
  axis_setting = dict(range=[-1,1], showline=False, ticks='', showticklabels=False, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, fixedrange=True)
  annotation = dict(x=0, y=0, ax=0, ay=0, text=text)
  margin = dict(t=60)
  if annotation_msg is not None:
    annotations = [annotation, annotation_msg]
    annotations = [annotation]
  layout = go.Layout(xaxis=axis_setting,yaxis=axis_setting,annotations=annotations,margin=margin,)
  fig=go.Figure(data=[], layout=layout)
  periscope.plotly(fig, config={'displayModeBar':False})

# translates a hex code to RGB values
def rgb_from_hex(hex):
  h = hex.lstrip('#')
  return tuple(((int(h[i:i+2], 16))) for i in (0, 2 ,4))

# translates RGB values to hex code
def rgb_to_hex(rgb):
  return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb

# calculates the gradient value between two colors, based on a scale
def gradient(value, scale, colors):
  min = scale[0]
  max = scale[1]
  if value < min:
    value = min
  elif value > max:
    value = max
  pct = 1.0 * (value - min) / (max - min)
  min_color = rgb_from_hex(colors[0])
  max_color = rgb_from_hex(colors[1])
  rgb = tuple(((int(round(pct * (max_color[i] - min_color[i]) + min_color[i])))) for i in range(0,3))
  return rgb_to_hex(rgb)

# prints a message indicating there was no data
def no_data():
  msg = 'No data to display.'
  number_overlay(style_text(msg, font_size="18px"))

def plot(df, annotation=None):
  df.columns = [c.lower() for c in df.columns]
  y_col = [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('y')][0]
  ds_col = [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('ds')][0]
  df[y_col] = pd.to_numeric(df[y_col])
  df[ds_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[ds_col])
  agg = aggregation(ds_col)

  df.sort_values(by=[ds_col], inplace=True)
  pct_col = 'pct_change'
  df[pct_col] = df[y_col].pct_change()
  formatter = get_formatter(y_col)

  current = df.tail(1)
  current_val = current[y_col].iloc[0]
  percentage_change = current[pct_col].iloc[0]
  indicator = '▲' if percentage_change >= 0 else '▼'
  kpi_change = indicator + ' ' + percent(percentage_change) + ' since last ' + agg
  color = gradient(percentage_change, [-.25, .25], ['#ff0000', '#00be11'])

  text = (
    style_text(column_name(y_col), font_size = '24px') + '<br><br><br><br>' +
    style_text(format(current_val, formatter), font_size='50px', font_weight='bold') +
    '<br><br>' +
    style_text(kpi_change, font_size='16px', color=color)

  number_overlay(text, annotation)

except Exception as e:
    annotation = {
    'x': 0.5,
    'y': 0.5,
    'ax': 0,
    'ay': 0,
    'xref': 'paper',
    'yref': 'paper',
    'text': style_link('DUMMY<br><br><br><br>DATA<br><br><br><br>EXAMPLE', community_post, font_size='60px', font_weight='bold', color='rgba(0, 0, 0, .25)'),
    'showarrow': False,
    'textangle': -25
    plot(dummy_df, annotation=annotation)

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Last update:
‎02-14-2024 01:50 PM
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