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Community Team Member
Community Team Member


How can I transfer Sys.Admin role to another user?


  • Login credentials for the current sys admin (if these are unavailable, please contact Sisense Support to explore further options)

Relevant Background Information:

  • There must be, and can only be, one Sys.Admin user at any given time
  • Dashboards ownership and sharing is based on a user ID and not a user's email address. Therefore, changing the email address reflects to all other relevant web components


Modify the email address for the current Sys.Admin user to be the new, desired email address. 

  1. Log into Sisense using the existing Sys.Admin's credentials
  2. Click on the "Admin" tab from the top navigation bar
  3. Select the "Users" tab from the left-hand pane
  4. Search for the Sys Admin user, and click on the pencil icon next to the user's name: Screen Shot 2022-08-08 at 9.24.51 AM.png
  5. Modify the User Name and Email (it is also recommended to update the password as well):Community_Admin_0-1634177968694.png
  6. Click "Save"

Now, the next time the updated user logs in, they will log in as the Sys. Admin user.

Additional Notes:

  • Following these instructions will change the Sys.admin, migrate ownership of all of their dashboards to the new email address, and allow the new email address to act as if it was always (and now is) the system admin.
  • If you already have a user with the desired email address, you will need to first change it to a temp name (for example [email protected] --> [email protected]). Then, change ownership of all dashboards to the sys admin and set it up to the expected Email (i.e. [email protected] --> [email protected]).


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Last update:
‎08-08-2022 09:35 AM
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