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Selecting Hierarchies for Drilling

8 - Cloud Apps
8 - Cloud Apps

I am setting up hierarchies for the drill hierarchy feature in Sisense. Out of the box, I see that the user can right click and select a field to drill into. It shows every table and column that is available in the Data Model. 

To limit the options, I am planning to create hierarchies for the end user to select from. Are there suggestions on tables to not pull from? Is it not recommended to add tables/columns from parts of the data model that the widget in question does not use? Are there any general guidelines or is it case by case basis?

Once I have drilled into a widget and am ready to export to CSV, I am left with only the last Drill Hierarchy in the file and no other useful information. For example, I look at all of the sports played in a district. Then I drill into soccer, then gender, then female, then grade in school. If I were to export from grade in school, I would be left with each grade and the count of female soccer players in each grade. The excel file will only show the grade and the count. There is no information indicating the gender or the sport. 

Is there the option to pull in additional fields? For example, once I have the number of female students in each grade that play soccer, I will then drill into just the Freshman and display their student IDs. is it possible to also bring in additional information per ID (like fist name, last name, hometown)? I wouldn't want to drill into a specific student ID, but show the first name, last name, and hometown for all Student IDs showing. 

Thank you.