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Is it possible to change the scroll bar color?

9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

I have several pivots and tables that require scrolling through. Given that I have a dark background, the scroll bar is hard for users to see. I’d like to change the color to improve the user experience. Ideally, this would be done at a high level, but I would also be happy with any JS to do it at the widget level.


11 - Data Pipeline
11 - Data Pipeline

Hi @Laflet ,

If you want a zero-code solution, advanced UI features, and data manipulations on your pivots, I highly recommend checking out Paldi's Expandable Pivot plugin.

With the above in mind, I would say that what you are looking for can be achieved by a custom script as well.

Moreover, most UI adjustments can be done with JS script, and if this is the path you intend to go, please let me know and I will assist you.

Worth mentioning that using scripts for customizations might be inconvenient if you use them frequently because you can lose control of which dashboards and widgets have scripts applied, not to mention future migrations, etc.

I would highly recommend you look for a tool that will help you to manage all scripts applied such as the "widget script manager"  plugin where you can manage the code from a single centralized place.


Feel free to reach out for free trials, we're always happy to help (: 
Paldi Solutions - Number #1 Sisense Plugins Developer 


13 - Data Warehouse
13 - Data Warehouse

Hi @Laflet ,

Try below dashboard script to change color of scrollbar in pivot. 

dashboard.on('widgetrefreshed', function (se, ev) {
	$('.scroll-elem__horizontal-track div').css('background-color', 'orange')
	$('.scroll-elem__vertical-track div').css('background-color', 'orange')






Worked great for me! Thanks for sharing the script

9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

Thank you @Benji_PaldiTeam  and @harikm007 

I will use the Js provided by @harikm007  and the  "widget script manager"  plugin from @Benji_PaldiTeam 

9 - Travel Pro
9 - Travel Pro

Hi @harikm007 

A bit late to the party, but do you happen to have a version of your script that would change the colour of the Dashboard scroll bar instead? I was searching for that and came across this thread.

Sisense Team Member
Sisense Team Member


Try this script:

dashboard.on('widgetrefreshed', function (se, ev) {
	$('.dash-scrollpane div').css('background-color', 'orange')
