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Column Chart - Format a column to have rounded corners

12 - Data Integration
12 - Data Integration

When creating a column chart, you might want to design it to have rounded corners

To round all corners - Apply the following widget script:

widget.on('processresult',function(widget,result) { 
result.result.plotOptions.column.borderRadius = 10;
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Ophir_Buchman_0-1654798931497.png Ophir_Buchman_1-1654798941442.png

To round specific corners - Apply the following widget script:

(function (factory) {
"use strict";
if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory;
} else {
}(function (H) {
var rel = H.relativeLength;

H.wrap(H.seriesTypes.column.prototype, 'translate', function (proceed) {
var options = this.options,
topMargin = options.topMargin || 0,
bottomMargin = options.bottomMargin || 0;;

this.points.forEach(function (point) {
var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs,
w = shapeArgs.width,
h = shapeArgs.height,
x = shapeArgs.x,
y = shapeArgs.y;

// Get the radius
var rTopLeft = rel(options.borderRadiusTopLeft || 0, w),
rTopRight = rel(options.borderRadiusTopRight || 0, w),
rBottomRight = rel(options.borderRadiusBottomRight || 0, w),
rBottomLeft = rel(options.borderRadiusBottomLeft || 0, w);

if (rTopLeft || rTopRight || rBottomRight || rBottomLeft) {
var maxR = Math.min(w, h) / 2

if (rTopLeft > maxR) {
rTopLeft = maxR;

if (rTopRight > maxR) {
rTopRight = maxR;

if (rBottomRight > maxR) {
rBottomRight = maxR;

if (rBottomLeft > maxR) {
rBottomLeft = maxR;

// Preserve the box for data labels
point.dlBox = point.shapeArgs;
point.shapeType = 'path';

point.shapeArgs = {
d: [
['M', x + rTopLeft, y + topMargin],
['L', x + w - rTopRight, y + topMargin],
['C', x + w - rTopRight / 2, y, x + w, y + rTopRight / 2, x + w, y + rTopRight],
['L', x + w, y + h - rBottomRight],
['C', x + w, y + h - rBottomRight / 2, x + w - rBottomRight / 2, y + h, x + w - rBottomRight, y + h + bottomMargin],
['L', x + rBottomLeft, y + h + bottomMargin],
['C', x + rBottomLeft / 2, y + h, x, y + h - rBottomLeft / 2, x, y + h - rBottomLeft],
['L', x, y + rTopLeft],
['C', x, y + rTopLeft / 2, x + rTopLeft / 2, y, x + rTopLeft, y],

point.shapeArgs.d = point.shapeArgs.d.join(' ').replaceAll(',',' ');

widget.on('processresult',function(widget,result) {
result.result.series[0].borderRadiusTopLeft = '20%'
result.result.series[0].borderRadiusTopRight = '20%'
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Ophir_Buchman_2-1654799261604.png Ophir_Buchman_3-1654799271095.png

13 - Data Warehouse
13 - Data Warehouse

@Ophir_Buchman I really like the way you rounded a specific corner!!