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Auditing build logs

7 - Data Storage
7 - Data Storage

Hi all, I'm new to Sisense but not new to BI.  I'm trying to put together some auditing on cube builds, ie. which cube, when, success or fail, build time.  We running version 20.22.9 in Windows.  I've found the logs but can't anything specific to builds.  I've certainly not found the build log that is available when you build manually.  I'm guessing these are dropped immediately afterwards?

I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be an off the shelf solution for this.  

Is there something I'm missing?




8 - Cloud Apps
8 - Cloud Apps



For auditing cube builds in version 20.22.9 on Windows, it seems the detailed build logs you're looking for might not be readily available or are removed after the process. This absence of an off-the-shelf solution could be due to various factors. You might want to consider exploring custom logging or checking with Sisense support for potential insights or workarounds.


Thanks for your thoughts Steve.  That's my suspicion, that the logs are dropped after the process.  Which would be a shame.  I've got our account manager on the case, to see if the Sisense techies can suggest anything.  If not, its time to explore some custom logging, as you suggested.

10 - ETL
10 - ETL

@MikeFlanagan Did you ever find out anything in regards to the past build logs? I can only seem to find the logs for the last build which are under "View Latest Logs" when clicking the three dots when viewing the elasticube.