Software Developers
The place for software developers working with Sisense ComposeSDK to meet and collaborate
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Software Developers Forum!

Hello World! On behalf of the entire Sisense team, welcome aboard, and thank you for being a member of the Software Developers Forum! We're thrilled to have you! Also, check out our Sisense Discord Server! We are here to provide a vibrant and support...

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Sisense-Git Integration Issues

Sisense-Git Integration gaps: We have 2 environments dev & prod. When we develop a dashboard/model in dev using sisense GUI & push it to git-hub & merge it into the git hub master branch, we expected the master to reflect the changes in prod. Is ther...

harni_sri by 7 - Data Storage
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Inactivity Timeout with iFrame Dashboard

I'm working on an Angular/Spring application that embeds Sisense dashboards in iFrames. I'm trying to add an inactivity timeout for the application, so that users are signed out after a certain period of inactivity. However, I'm not sure how to detec...

khawkins by 7 - Data Storage
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Open Office Hour today in Discord

Office Hour in Discord today at 1pm Central! Bogdan Karlenko, Engineering Manager at Sisense, will be live in Discord hanging out and answering questions. We look forward to seeing you!

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Javascript custom properties

I wrote javascript that creates a dashboard filter. I want my javascript to mark which filter it created. That way, on the next refresh, it can update or delete it if needed.I've done that by creating a new property like this: dashboard.filters(choos...

Tim by 10 - ETL
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ComposeSDK v1.15.0 and v1.15.1 are released.

[1.15.1] - 2024-07-15 Changed Fix an issue with Include All members filter [1.15.0] - 2024-07-15 Added Extend component MemberFilterTile to support excluded members Changed Make improvements to dashboard rendering: fixing UI issues of DateRangeFilter...

DRay by Community Team Member
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Resolved! Help with connecting to Sisense instance

 The current documentation advises configuring the connection with the following setup: export const SISENSE_CONTEXT_CONFIG: SisenseContextConfig = { url: '<instance url>', // replace with the URL of your Sisense instance token: '<api token>'...

Resolved! REST API logout not taking an effect

Hello everyone! I am trying to trigger building the datamodel from Apache Airflow. I am following this path to do so:- I use GET `api/v1/authentication/login` endpoint to generate an access token- I use POST `api/v2/builds` endpoint to schedule a new...

Sisense Office Hour in Discord in 10 minutes!

Sisense Office Hour in Discord in 10 minutes! @JeremyFriedel, Senior Software Engineer at Sisense, will be live in Discord hanging out and answering questions. We look forward to seeing you!

DRay by Community Team Member
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Resolved! Sorting Chart By Different Field Than The One Displayed

I have a column chart that is currently displaying events on the x-axis (through an "eventCode field), and they are appearing automatically in descending order by the "total competitors" (displayed on the y-axis). I would like to sort and display the...

Blox align containers horizontally

Hello there,I'm a novice to customizing Blox templates. In the attached screenshot, I want to adjust the layout to make the cards appear side by side. I also want the titles Signups and orders to appear as a title to the card. Can I have suggestions ...

Compose SDK minor version 1.13.0 released

Compose SDK minor version 1.13.0 released: [1.13.0] - 2024-06-26   Added Implement additional components and hooks for dashboard rendering (internal testing): component CustomFilterTile, component CascadingFilterTile, hook useCommonFiltersMake compon...

DRay by Community Team Member
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ComposeSDK minor version 1.8.0 released

 Minor version 1.8.0 released [1.8.0] - 2024-04-15   Added Add pivot sorting interface for component PivotTable and hook useExecutePivotQuery Changed Fix boxplot outliers factory functions to prevent loading of redundant data pointsMake improvem...

DRay by Community Team Member
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