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Status: New Idea

When using Starred Filters, end uses can create their own filter and save the selection for repeat use. However, any Starred Filter created will be visible to all users regardless of their Group or Parameter assignment. This is because these items are stored in the Data Browser as additional elements linked only to the data source and not to a user or group.

As a result, this causes confusion, lack of control where one end users Starred Filters can be removed by another and concerns about data security. Appreciate utilising multitenancy would be a solution, however, this is not possible in all circumstances and requires a significant amount of additional administration. 

I am recommending a functionality change to control / limit the visibility of Starred Filters to the User or Group that created them. 

1 Comment

Hi @rimms-gladstone ,

Setting up and managing filters, and saving them as presets for users, is a fantastic way to enhance collaboration and save time. However, as you mentioned, the solution becomes more complex in multitenancy deployments, where you need to maintain data security while still leveraging this powerful capability.
Paldi's Filters Bookmarks Plugin is designed to address exactly the challenge you're describing, especially in multitenancy (OEM) scenarios.

With this plugin, users can:

  • Save filters in "private" mode for personal use.
  • Save filters in "global" mode, making them accessible to their group.
  • Allow system admins to create predefined filter sets that can be shared across all tenancies.


It’s a highly flexible solution that works perfectly for managing visibility and access to filters in complex setups like yours.


Feel free to contact us at for more information. We’re always happy to help with Sisense-related challenges.
You can also explore more details about filter solutions on our Filters Plugin page.

Additionally, we offer over 20 free plugins for Sisense, which you can be easily download and used. 

Hope this helps!  😊