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Community Team Member
Community Team Member

Convey Your Message at a Glance

Statistical measurement types and visualization that support your message

Are you having a hard time deciding the best way to visualize your data? How can you convey your message and provide the right business context with a glance?

What you can do with the data - what types of analysis make sense and what types of visualizations are appropriate - depends on the type of the data. Each statistical scale - Nominal, Order, Interval, or Ratio - allows you to calculate different calculations and display different graphs.

You are welcome to watch the "Convey your message at a glance" webinar (40~ min) to learn more. In this webinar, Aryeh Primus discussed:

  • Statistical measurement types and their properties
  • Analyzing data in accordance with the measurement type
  • Choosing the right visualization to support your message

Additional resources include: