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Out of the box, Sisense running on Linux comes with embedded monitoring tool Grafana. Sisense created a few dashboards that can be helpful in order to troubleshoot the performance issues.
Grafana can be accessed from Admin page->System Settings-> Monitoring (in top right corner)
The dashboards list is available by navigating on the left-hand side menu on a 4 square button-> manage


Grafana has some base controls that makes it straightforward to gather info about the system over a period of time. 
Within a dashboard you will see similar headers to the following:
1: Filter dropdowns - such as namespace (by default, Sisense components run in the sisense namespace), pods, and node(s).
2: Time period - can be configured to be relative or absolute (according to browser timezone)
3: Refresh - can manually toggle the refresh or set a refresh rate
Within a visualization, you can hover over particular lines or click on one or more values
Click and drag over a time period to zoom in on the time period for more accurate values
For more information, check out the official Grafana docs - Working with Grafana dashboard UI

Available Dashboards

We will focus our troubleshooting using 4 dashboards:
  1. Nodes
  2. All Pods per namespace
  3. Kubernetes / Compute Resources / Namespace (Workloads)
  4. Import the dashboard 12928

Nodes Dashboard

This dashboard is useful for troubleshooting overall node performance during a period of time. It can tell us what the CPU, RAM, Disk I/O, and networking usage of the machine during a period of time.
Use the 'instance' drop down to select which node to examine.

All Pods per Namespace Dashboard

The dashboard header will allow you to filter the pods/nodes, setup the timeframe, specify refresh/autorefresh:
The dashboard has 3 widgets (CPU, RAM and Network) and will show the load of a server pod-by-pod (separately) overlapping each other 
This is useful when checking what the RAM consumption of a pod is. 
Please note this dashboard not does not show overall RAM consumption by default, it will show the RAM of each pod individually. 

Click to check how to add Total:

In Grafana (hosted on /app/grafana), under dashboard named all pods per namespace , two widgets (Cpu Usage, Memory Usage) need to add the sum of all Pods. This is mandatory information when troubleshooting resource pressure situations.
Add the following metric to the memory widget:
sum (container_memory_working_set_bytes{job="kubelet", pod_name=~"$pod", container_name!=""})
We can then see more clearly the state of the machine (RAM in this case):
using the Pod filter you can filter all the query or build POD by typing "qry" or "bld" in a filter and selecting needed Pods:
Hover over on the widget item to see the name of a POD 
Drag and drop to select needed timeframe:

Kubernetes / Compute Resources / Namespace (Workloads)

This dashboard has a lot more widgets and will show you the total usage of RAM, CPU etc
Useful when need to see total usage to identify Safe-Mode trigger. For multinode see the manual
This dashboard additional widgets that can be helpful in monitoring your server performance, network usage, etc.

Sisense Cluster Detail Dashboard (#12928)

This dashboard is included by default in many recent versions of Sisense on Linux. This dashboard has a lot of pre-set-up widgets that will show you pods, cluster, Drive, RAM etc usage. 
Before you try to import this dashboard, check to see if the dashboard is already in your Grafana dashboard menu.
If your instance is on an older release or you would like to import a dashboard from other users, follow the steps below:
1. Click the 4 square menu icon, then Manage dashboard
2. Press on import dashboard in the top right corner 
3. Specify the number of a dashboard 12928 (or other dashboard number) and press load 
4. Select Logs Data source "Prometheus"
5. Click import and enjoy
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‎02-26-2025 07:19 AM
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