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Knowledge Base Articles

JWT SSO With Cognito

Amazon Cognito provides authentication, authorization, and user management for your web and mobile apps. Your users can sign in directly with a user name and password, or through a third party such as Facebook, Amazon, Google or Apple.   The two ...

Automating Plugin Management in Sisense: A Bash Script Solution

Automating Plugin Management in Sisense: A Bash Script SolutionIntroduction:This solution is applicable for Sisense on Linux on-premise installations.Managing plugins in Sisense, particularly in scenarios where multiple plugins need to be updated or ...

taras by Sisense Team Member
  • 2 kudos

Sisense Licensing issues

Sisense Licensing issues Sisense Licensing issues If you are having issues with your Sisense Environment and need help with the number of users on your license, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your license is current and up to date withi...

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iburiak by Sisense Team Member
  • 0 kudos

Restoring missing connector

Restoring missing connector  Introduction Sometimes connectors can go missing for some reason, leading to a breakdown in data connectivity. Restoring these connectors is crucial to maintaining a smooth data flow within your Sisense environment. This...

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vsolodkyi by Sisense Team Member
  • 0 kudos

How to List Dashboards and Data Models a User Has Access To

How to List Dashboards and Data Models a User Has Access ToAs a Sisense administrator sometimes you want a quick way to get the list of data models and dashboards a user can access. There is no direct way to do this through the user interface and thr...

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kreycraft by Sisense Team Member
  • 4 kudos

Plugin - DisableLogoLink

Plugin - Disable Link To Sisense Server Homepage In Top Left Logo Icon This plugin disables the link to the home page of the top left logo in the Sisense UI. The plugin also removes the logo icon being treated as a link on mouse hover. This logo im...

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Are there specs for the Marketing Banner size?

Are there specs for the Marketing Banner size? By default, the banner has a fixed height of 425px.As a reference, we suggest identifying a screen resolution you're planning to use with your application mostly. If you take the screen width and use it ...

OleksandrB by Sisense Team Member
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Migrating Blox Custom Actions

Migrating Blox Custom Actions   When relocating Sisense resources from one server to another, the Sisense Rest API is a possible method for transferring Sisense components and objects like dashboards, users, groups, and data sources. Similarly, Blo...

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Plugin - HideChartTypeByGroup

Plugin - Hide Widget Type in Chart Type Dropdown From User Groups   This plugin hides widget types from the widget selection dropdown menu, for user groups set in the config of the plugin. The widget types hidden are set in the config. Widgets o...

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Sync Blox Input Element with Current Filter State

Sync Blox Input Element with Current Filter State When creating a Blox widget and altering a filter within a dashboard or widget, it is sometimes advantageous to modify the default behavior, so that upon activating a Blox action, the Blox widget in...

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