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March is International Women’s Month, and we’re excited to celebrate the incredible women in our community and beyond!

Throughout the month, we’ll be rolling out special initiatives, discussions, and content right here in the Sisense Community—so stay tuned!
Until then, comment on this post Celebrating International Women’s Month with a woman who has inspired you—whether it’s a colleague, mentor, or historical figure!
Mine will be in the comments!
Let’s spread some appreciation!
Jacqueline Pacheco

Community Content Spotlight

Content you missed that you never planned on reading

Updated: Feb 26th
  1. Blog: Data Prep Essentials for AI-Driven Analytics - Part 1
  2. KB Doc: How to Implement Linkable Text in a Widget (Linux)
  3. Sisense Academy: Build and Maintain a Healthy Elasticube Environment
  4. Sisense Docs: Introduction to Sisense

Community Activity

SQL Snippets Functionality in Sisense Fusion

I have previously worked with Periscope and found the SQL Snippets tool to be very helpful (https://dtdocs.sisense.com/article/snippets#:~:text=To%20create%20a%20SQL%20snippet,button%20and%20name%20the%20snippet.&text=Snippets%20with%20these%20charac...

lsher1 by 8 - Cloud Apps
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Blox TextBlock - Remove Filters for Value

I am attempting to add a textblock to my Blox KPI with a calculated value. The objective is for the total value to stay the same as a point of comparison, while the user applies filters.In this example, the count changes as the user applies filters. ...


Add indicator for downloading a widget

While downloading a large csv/excel file (over several hundreds mb file) from the widget, there would be a long delay of couple minutes before the browser indicates the file has been downloaded. During this time, the user has no indication if the req...

ccoelho by 9 - Travel Pro
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Resolved! Selectively change Markers on a Line Graph

I have a stakeholder who would like to selectively turn off the markers on line graphs for certain lines.As in the attached image, they want to remove the markers on the dashed lines, but keep them for the solid line. I can't find anything in the doc...

Comparing String Values Across fields

I have a colleague who needs the ability to compare string values across two fields to assess whether or not they're identical (simple example in excel below). I've not been able to find any documentation on this & would be grateful for assistance. 

Fetching full dashboard definitions efficiently

The issue: Fetching full dashboard definitions efficiently./api/v1/dashboards?expand=widgets returns full definitions but can't be filtered by OIDs./api/v1/dashboards/{dashboardId}?expand=widgets allows per-dashboard retrieval but requires Admin role...

Celebrating International Women’s Month! 🚀

March is International Women’s Month, and we’re excited to celebrate the incredible women in our community and beyond! Throughout the month, we’ll be rolling out special initiatives, discussions, and content right here in the Sisense Community—so st...

jpacheco by Community Team Member
  • 7 replies
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Resolved! Advanced Filtering to use AND & OR on a single field

I'm attempting to assist a colleague who has been asked to perform multiple filters on a single text field. While it is simple to use the text filters to create a single 'Starts With' & 'Ends With'. However, they've been asked to expand the filter to...

Screenshot 2025-03-06 164926.png

Resolved! Web site demo request broken

Something seems seriously wrong on sisense.com.  We are trying to request a demo but that functionality will not work.  We also can't get the "Contact Us" page to work.  We have tried on different browsers and I even attempted it on a personal machin...

cclements by 7 - Data Storage
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How to Have Break By Switchable Dimensions Update Title

I am trying to have the Break By Update the title of the Switchable Dimension rather than dimension.My script goes as follows.  prism.registerSwitchDimension({ widget: widget, widgetTitleTemplate: "{{val}} By {{dim}}", // Dynamically updates ...

Astroraf by 11 - Data Pipeline
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Regular Expressions

Does anybody know if regex is an option in Sisense custom tables? Can't find any documentation and it's not listed in available functions. I know I can use it in MySQL tables, but having it in custom tables will be very useful.We are using Sisense Cl...

Allow adding pulse alert to all types of widgets

Current State: As of now Sisense supports adding of pulse alerts only for select chart types, like, Indicator, Area, Line, Bar and Column.Expected State: Sisense shall allow rest of the chart types as well to add pulse alerts. It is observed in other...

betapure by 7 - Data Storage
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Latest Community Blogs

Data Prep Essentials for AI-Driven Analytics - Part 2

Data Prep Essentials for AI-Driven Analytics - Part 2 This is Part 2 of a multi-part series about Data Preparation for AI-driven Analytics written by Michael Becker, QBeeQ COO. In Part 1, we introduce...


Data Prep Essentials for AI-Driven Analytics - Part 1

Data Prep Essentials for AI-Driven Analytics - Part 1 This is the first part of a multi-part series about Data Preparation for AI-driven Analytics written by Michael Becker, QBeeQ COO In the era of AI...


TreviPay’s Best Practice Journey

TreviPay’s Best Practice Journey TreviPay introduced Sisense internally in 2017, shortly after they began constructing a data warehouse. At that time the data warehouse team was composed of a Database...